The M17 series protective mask took a slightly curved, triangular filter elements often referred to as "pork-chop-shaped." A common fault of the mask was the tearing of these buttonholes-often due to the frustration of the service member while trying to replace the filter elements. It is fitted with various adjustable straps which may be tightened to secure a good fit.
However, for agents that cause harm through contact or penetration of the skin, such as blister agent or nerve agent, a gas mask alone is not sufficient protection, and full protective clothing must be worn in addition to protect from contact with the atmosphere. The cap had a protective cover attached with a strap of plastic, but the plastic was susceptible to fatigue and quickly broke, losing the protective cover and rendering the cap unserviceable. Because of this, D.T marked face blanks are the second rarest. Glass and mica were quite brittle and needed frequent replacement. It has been theorized that this is due to the masks butyl/natural rubber formulation being originally designed for low temperature, arctic climates. These Soldiers were nicknamed "Tunnel Rats" and captured the imagination of the public. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. The hose assembly was difficult to use and often broke the seal on the wearer exposing the service member to chemical warfare agents. US soldiers wearing M17A2 masks, fitted with the M6A2 protective hood during the Gulf War. patent #6,529 issued to Haslett, described the first "Inhaler or Lung Protector" that filtered dust from the air.
A disadvantage of this single-stage approach is that the aerosol can penetrate a significant distance into the composite aerosol/vapor filter material before being removed from the airstream leading to a shorter duration until the chemical agent breaks through the filter and enters the wearers respiratory system.

Though it was crude, the hypo helmet was a stopgap measure for British troops in the trenches that offered at least some protection during a gas attack. Be sure to check out our kids department too for children's military clothing and accessories. This apparatus was made specifically for the M17A1 and attached over the exhale valve allowing a masked soldier to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on an unmasked soldier. Approximately 3.3 million M17A1 and M17A2 masks were produced between 19. The Rotary-Actuated model also had problems with the rotary lever being difficult to operate, though it was still preferred over the Push-Pull design. The diaphragm and outlet valve assembly on this model are also completely made out of grey plastic as opposed to the rubber that covers the assembly on the M10 Model. The hood attaches to the M17 series mask and protects the wearer's head and neck from chemical agent vapors or liquid droplets, biting insects, and radioactive dust particles. , Also in World War I, since dogs were frequently used on the front lines, a special type of gas mask was developed that dogs were trained to wear. Although unsightly, the bloom does not indicate damage to the function of the mask. The white "TOP" stamp was often worn away or mis-stamped on the inlet valve assembly. From US-Army field jackets to Marine Corps boots, Navy pea coats, and US Air Force glasses, our GI apparel is made in the USA and as stylish as it is functional.